Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Good Mommy-Day

May 18, 2011

I want to write about today because it was a really good day. Tonight I go to bed feeling like I was a good mother. I cooked with Anna - we made egg salad and tomato soup. Simple, but she enjoyed peeling the shell off the eggs and stirring the soup. There was no arguing or demanding, and Baby James played on his own, wheeling around in his walker, babbling and grabbing Anna's art off the walls while we cooked. I felt peaceful, and capable. Even a little domestic. I introduced Anna to an internet site for kids called Starfall ( and she was entranced by it, taken away to new worlds of learning letters and making stories, clicking on funny icons and singing animals. I cleaned the kitchen while she played her new games. I felt successful and loving.

I put happy kids down to bed tonight, nursing a tired baby and hugging an excited little girl who got to play like she wanted on the computer.

I want to remember today. Today I felt good at being a mommy - something that doesn't happen often. I thank God for this unexpected gift. The gift of today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tea at the Museum

May 14, 2011
Took Anna to a museum for her first time today at the Altmaha (sp) art museum in Vidalia, GA. It was a tea for mothers and daughters. She liked the experience. I loved it. I dressed her up in periwinkle dress and white jacket and wore my plain old clothes, sad that I didnt have enough time to dress myself up a little, too. It was fun being around art and culture today; it's been a good while since I've been to a museum. Anna played musical chairs and didn't like losing. She almost won. That last chair did her in. She got to pick out a free piece of art for coming to the event and came home with a print of a yellow monarch butterfly.

Baby James turns 8 months tomorrow. Not crawling yet, but loves to jet around in his walker, chasing after Anna. He got his first tooth in - a bottom right - at 7 months. He's sitting up but frequently falls backwards. He is a joy, and he and Anna worship each other.

I haven't blogged in a while. My writing and thought processes are very rusty. I'm exhausted most days. Hopefully I can do some writing every day, even if just a little. I don't want to forget these days, these moments, with my children.